Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I woke up to yet another steamy summer morning, starting the day off with a fresh blueberry & pineapple smoothie. I haven't been on a subway in months now. I immediately felt overwhelmed by the brigade of shuffling bodies rushing past me, the overcrowded trains, the screeching of wheels against tracks. I've missed a lot about New York, but I can't say I've missed those things. I felt like a girl next door from an unknown town visiting New York for the first time; feeling insignificant against towering buildings and millions of pedestrians. I could clearly observe how rushed everyone in this city is, driven by the incessant thoughts competing for attention in their heads, barely having time to take a full breath. It felt good knowing I wasn't in a rush, nor do I ever have to be.

After a couple appointments I ventured to Union Square to test the hip and hyped takeaway café One Lucky Duck. It's essentially the sister to Pure Food and Wine, a gourmet raw food restaurant located around the corner. I actually had dinner there a couple of months ago with the Pop but we were rather unimpressed with the dishes, not taste-wise but more so the lack of satiety they provided. I knew however that there must be some truth to all this hype! After all it's a restaurant highly praised by not only raw food-loyalists, but everyone from “beautiful models to Bill Clinton.” I mean come on. I figured giving One Lucky Duck a chance would redeem my regretful experience at Pure.

Inside is very quaint and dim, with only three small wooden tables , a window adorned with ethnic pillows, and a shelf full of packaged food and skin care products. If you think Magnolia’s Bakery is small, try coming here! The menu contains items from Pure Food and Wine as well as other snacks, treats, and smoothies (Mmm!). Based on the barrister's recommendation I ordered the S&M Salad (greens, avocado, hemp seeds, dulse, rosemary crackers, and argon-lemon dressing). It sounds really simple and boring, I know I know, but it was rather stimulating on the palate, and most surprisingly filled me up.

For those of you unfamiliar with raw foods, they're basically any form of food in its purest, most raw state, that haven't been heated past 118º. Being a raw foodist is basically like the next step beyond vegan (no animal products, dairy, etc..). For more info click here. The desserts looked amazing but I decided to save the chocolate chip, and ginger cookies for next time. Overall I was very pleased with my experience and will totally come back again.

Later in the evening my dad and I cooked respective desserts. Him with some amazing oatmeal raisin cookies, and me with a simple yet delicious banana pudding, garnished with a sprinkle of goji berries and raisins. I should have taken pictures of them, alas next time :)



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