Friday, August 28, 2009

To You

I have no idea where my life is heading,
And I absolutely love it.

Thank you for your music; your passion manifested as sound waves. Washing over my body, it sends shivers down my spine. It places me ever so gently in to the present moment of being. It transports me to the middle of midnight on a vast desert, next to a warm bonfire, the wind breezing, coyotes howling. I feel like Pocahontas with feathers in my hair, draped in a tan suede dress with fringe swinging as I dance barefoot under moon light, my feet kicking up the soft sand beneath me, drinking homemade spiced liquor, feeling like my life is a movie but this version is so much better. Oh how I'd love to share this night with you.

When I listen to your songs it makes me forget everything around me. My heart feels like a jelly fish; tender and relaxed. It's now time to sleep, time to rest my soul.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

May 25th 2009

(From my journal)

If I were to describe this moment,
It would be like waiting on line for a rollercoaster
My mind is alert, yet calm like the sea that lay before me, us.
It's stretching the moment like molasses leaving the edge of a spoon
I can feel every blow of air, I can see every sparkly of light,
I feel the rumble
I'm ready
I'm doing this why? You ask
I'm doing this because I believe
In us.

As important as it is to look into the future, you mustn't forget where you came from. This entry encompasses this notion.

Goodnight :)
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Tomorrow on the Runway

Discovered this song tonight, made me realize how out of touch I've been with music the past few weeks. This song is beautiful, it touches me.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The latest update: My MacBook will be fixed by Thursday, yay! Which means I can post photos on Thursday, yay! And hopefully by the end of the week I will be able to reveal a very special surprise :)

Stay tuned...


Monday, August 24, 2009

It's worth writing about. The feeling I get from experiencing things unsual to the circumstance of my every day life. Being surounded by sub-culture clones; all different, yet all the same.

Inked sun-bleached tan leather skin, an aura of sweat lingering above steaming heads. Slapping on neon green bracelets; our rites of passage. We've finally made it, we've finally grown up. Not taking advantage of this privilege, but observing them sucking down hot foaming plastic cups of beer with blue branding printed on the exterior. Sitting on grass. Sitting on grainy cement. Wondering who I would run into. Running into her ex. Growing impatient, wanting to propel time.

The sun is sucking the moisture from my tongue and body like a magnet and turning it into beads of sweat that evaporate into the heated atmosphere. Eyes stimulated, flickering at the passing bodies as if they were observing trees pass from a train's interior. Denim cut off shorts, chain linked purses, flip flops, ray ban wayfareres, blond wavy hair, black bike shorts, rompers galore, the 80s, grandpa eyeglasses, too-tiny Lennon-esque sunglasses, afros, dreadlocks, it's so in, it's so out. Too much Urban Outfitters. Confetti and toilet paper shooting into a crowd of screaming fans with flailing arms and bouncy fans dancing on stage crowded around the man of the night. Loud music and wanting to dance on stage but not sure if that's true and almost going on stage but being told to STEP BACK and taking pictures of nothing but wanting to take pictures anyway, and crazy girls testing their boundaries and fans being kicked off stage and a girl hitting the cameraman with her purse, and a gay boy and a straight girl dancing, almost grinding, and does she realize he's gay? And then our stomachs start growling even though their full of Smart Water and the sun has begun to set so our skin is cool but our skin is tan and the rain starts trickling but barely at first and then it grows and we want to get to the other side but we don't know how. The nets are everywhere, the guards are everywhere. We text and call and I check out everyone incognito through my sunglasses and surveing the fashion: some terrible, most people don't realize how to dress themselves, but some do and they look really good but not too good, it's all the same and we're walking toward a net and we say fuck it lets climb this so we climb it and I hide under the umbrella as if it will become an invisibility cloak and we rush to the food stand but they tell us it's closed and we've tried so hard but they've told us it's closed and sorry but we're almost out -- what do you mean almost out? And we begin to give up, our spirits dissolve slowly like the sweat rising in the air mixing in the misty rain even though I wasn't that hungry I was still dissapointed from limitation and we walk toward the exit as we see people in apartment buildings across the street holding signs against the glass window -- Wait. Is she naked?
Um? No.
What does it say?
"Show us.. Show us your cocks..?"
No no that's not it. We exit and walk for survival, walk for food and we pass that window and I look up and see the sign.
"Jump the fence." And another.
"Fuck em." Whatever.
And as I walk through the streets I soak up the culture, the ambience, the life, the energy, and I try to imagine living here one day and not knowing if this is too much of a bubble if it's too far, if rent is too expensive -- goddamn everything is too expensive -- my arm is soaking so I wipe it on my romper and know it's futile because it will get wet again in two seconds, and four blocks later we still hear the speakers booming and we finally find the street, the magical street I always find when I venture here and all of a sudden things get brighter and hope floats into my head and we find shelter and witness a random girl asking a random man for a bite of his gigantic over-stuffed pizza slize and he looks stoned and he says Why not? She takes a bite and laughs and we all laugh, at her ridiculous request and his ridiculous answer and the pizza looks appetizing the more I look at it but I suppress these thoughts and we walk along the rain-painted streets as the rain dies down and that word floating in my head starts to get stronger and stronger by the minute.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mini Update

It feels weird not updating this as regularly as I had planned. Unfortunately my MacBook is acting up, the screen spontaneously freezes so I'm unable to upload the photos I've been taking. I have so many things I want to share here so I can't wait until I can get my laptop to work again! If anyone is out there -- Hello Hello Hello (is there an echo in here?)-- Then I hope you're enjoying my blog so far and I'll hopefully make a massive post tomorrow!

Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite :)


Friday, August 21, 2009


Jogged in the park today, taking the opposite route. I realized I hadn't taken that path in so long. It was nice to cover unfamiliar ground, observing the difference in landscape and people. The wind was blowing just enough to cool off my heated body. Exercise is something I do because it's my feel-good medicine. After a long run and cold shower I feel so pure and light, I can take a full breath in and feel the oxygen flowing through my body.

My dad helped me open a pomegranate as I've never done it before. The seeds weren't as good as the pre-packaged kind so I was a bit disappointed, but it was refreshing with grapes nonetheless. In the afternoon I finished up airbrushing work for a client, read, read, and read some more. My goal is 20 books by 2010. Goodreads is amazing for organizing your personal library. I read Reviving Opehelia all day at a friend's request. It's one of those eye-opening books that makes girls and women realize how they've become conditioned to behave in today's society. It's really interesting, I think all women and parents should read it.

I'm about to watch Winter Passing with the family. Zoe Dechanel and Will Ferrel star in it so it should be quite entertaining.

Only a few for today :)



Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. Simple and sweet, spent time with my family. We saw Cold Souls at the Sunshine (my favorite indie theater), a new indie flick starring Paul Giamatti (as himself). I've never attempted to review a movie before, this should be interesting..

Synopsis: While rehearsing for a Czech play, Paul Giamatti comes to the conclusion that he can no longer find inspiration to develop his character. At his agent's request he reads an article in The New Yorker about a famous doctor who runs a soul storage business. Intrigued by the possibility of acquiring hopeful results, he ventures into the unknown, not realizing his life is about to become more complicated than it ever had been. This film is about the unexpected journey to self-discovery and appreciating the uniqueness of your own personal history. *** (3/4 stars).

Although the film was slow in that typical indie-artsy fartsy type of way, it was overall enjoyable, a unique plot, and gave me a lot to think about and appreciate about my life.
We ventured to Whole Foods afterwards upon my request, and bought such things as one pomegranate, chia seeds, cacao nibs, and cashew butter. The latter three items are to further my raw food exploration. I read about chia seeds here the other night, and was intrigued by their comparison to tapioca pearls when mixed with nut milk. Later that evening I flipped through my Nikon camera manual to check out hidden features I may have been overlooking the past few years. I played around with the flash settings in the Night Portrait mode. Oh God I sound like such a tech nerd!

Onto the visuals :)


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I woke up to yet another steamy summer morning, starting the day off with a fresh blueberry & pineapple smoothie. I haven't been on a subway in months now. I immediately felt overwhelmed by the brigade of shuffling bodies rushing past me, the overcrowded trains, the screeching of wheels against tracks. I've missed a lot about New York, but I can't say I've missed those things. I felt like a girl next door from an unknown town visiting New York for the first time; feeling insignificant against towering buildings and millions of pedestrians. I could clearly observe how rushed everyone in this city is, driven by the incessant thoughts competing for attention in their heads, barely having time to take a full breath. It felt good knowing I wasn't in a rush, nor do I ever have to be.

After a couple appointments I ventured to Union Square to test the hip and hyped takeaway café One Lucky Duck. It's essentially the sister to Pure Food and Wine, a gourmet raw food restaurant located around the corner. I actually had dinner there a couple of months ago with the Pop but we were rather unimpressed with the dishes, not taste-wise but more so the lack of satiety they provided. I knew however that there must be some truth to all this hype! After all it's a restaurant highly praised by not only raw food-loyalists, but everyone from “beautiful models to Bill Clinton.” I mean come on. I figured giving One Lucky Duck a chance would redeem my regretful experience at Pure.

Inside is very quaint and dim, with only three small wooden tables , a window adorned with ethnic pillows, and a shelf full of packaged food and skin care products. If you think Magnolia’s Bakery is small, try coming here! The menu contains items from Pure Food and Wine as well as other snacks, treats, and smoothies (Mmm!). Based on the barrister's recommendation I ordered the S&M Salad (greens, avocado, hemp seeds, dulse, rosemary crackers, and argon-lemon dressing). It sounds really simple and boring, I know I know, but it was rather stimulating on the palate, and most surprisingly filled me up.

For those of you unfamiliar with raw foods, they're basically any form of food in its purest, most raw state, that haven't been heated past 118º. Being a raw foodist is basically like the next step beyond vegan (no animal products, dairy, etc..). For more info click here. The desserts looked amazing but I decided to save the chocolate chip, and ginger cookies for next time. Overall I was very pleased with my experience and will totally come back again.

Later in the evening my dad and I cooked respective desserts. Him with some amazing oatmeal raisin cookies, and me with a simple yet delicious banana pudding, garnished with a sprinkle of goji berries and raisins. I should have taken pictures of them, alas next time :)



Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This morning before breakfast I took a run in the park near my house. It's the best way to start my mornings; surrounded by nature, the sun tanning my skin. There's a lake in the park I always pass, I wish I could have photographed it today, or taken a break to admire the glistening water. The weather's been hot here lately, high 90s!! The perfect antidote to a sweat-induced run is a cold shower, there's nothing like it after your whole body is on fire.

The juiciest mango awaited my thirsty taste buds and growling stomach, I've been eating them a lot for breakfast lately. They taste amazing and fill me up for hours, giving me a ton of energy to be super productive in the afternoon. I read a bit from David Wolfe's The Sunfood Diet Success System in my bedroom while nustling Roo under my left arm. Roo is the kangaroo He gave me for my 21st birthday. I love her to death. I somehow convinced my cat Tiger to come upstairs, it's always soothing to have him around while I'm doing something quiet. The house was so quiet today, I could close my eyes and enjoy the silence.

I later had an impromptu photo shoot while being distracted by a photo opportunity outside my window, ate dinner cooked by the Pop, and took a walk outside to test my camera at night/return a Netflix DVD (Crazy Sexy Cancer -- Highly recommended).

I'm about to unwind with a book before bed, I have a lot going on tomorrow so I have to get my beauty rest!

Hello, hello :)

Well first posts are always awkward.. I suppose I should say why I've started this blog amongst the many bloggies swimming in this big blog sea. August Daze is essentially my excuse to get out and explore more of the beautiful amazing city I live in; The Big Apple. I actually don't expect anyone to read this, it's probably better this way, but if you happen to stumble upon this then I welcome you to my world and hope you enjoy taking a dip in my life :)
